Our Services

We specialise in family law, wills, probate and lasting powers of attorney. We offer a wide range of services within our specialisms.

Divorce and Separation

man sitting on sofa


No matter where you are in the process, from considering a split to much further down the line, it is always worth having a conversation with a lawyer.  We are often told by our clients that they wish they had got in touch sooner, so please take advantage of our free 30-minute consultation.

two people holding hands walking on cliff path

Civil Partnership Dissolution

If your Civil Partnership is breaking down, it is worth getting some legal advice so that you can understand your rights and what to expect.

couple sitting on a bench outdoors


If you are not married but want to formalise arrangements in a legally binding document or are married and do not want to divorce or dissolution yet, we can help you to formalise a separation agreement, which is particularly important when children are involved.

Child Law

child standing on beach at the edge of the sea

Family Break Up

My family unit has broken down and there are children involved. We can’t agree on what should happen to the children so we need legal advice on what to do.

2 children walking together on footpath on moorland

Caring for Children

In order to properly look after the child in my care I need the legal authority to make major decisions concerning their welfare, such as choice of education or religion and consent to medical treatment. I do not have this authority at the moment.

child wearing a flower crown sitting on ground outdoors

Adoption & Special Guardianship

I want to give a child a loving home and need the legal authority to do so.


person sitting on rock overlooking landscape

Financial Settlements

Working out the finances following the breakdown of a relationship can be a very stressful situation. We’ll make sure that we explore every avenue to get you the settlement you deserve.

wedding bouquet of flowers

Pre-Nuptial Agreements

Money can be a very emotionally charged subject, so it’s worth understanding both people’s views on it before getting married. If you decide that a ‘pre-nup’ is right for you then you can get it in place and then forget about it.

couple with dog sitting on floor of empty room

Co-Habitation Agreements

If you are planning to purchase a property or other assets with your partner its worth considering a co-habitation agreement, to cover what will happen if your situation changes in the future.

Planning for the future

man holding child sitting on wooden deck over water

Will Writing

The subject of death is one that many of us don’t want to think about, especially the death of a loved one.  Putting a Will in place is the only way to ensure that your wishes are carried out after your death.

couple sitting outdoors overlooking sea


Probate is the process involved in dealing with a person’s estate after their death.  We can establish whether a probate application is needed, and manage this through on your behalf.

mature man kissing a mature women's cheek standing outdoors

Lasting Power of Attorney

This allows you to appoint the people you trust to make decisions with you (if you still have mental capacity) or on your behalf if you are unable to make decisions in the future.  This is a different document to a Will, however they are often put in place at the same time when planning for the future.