What You Need to Know About Splitting Up Later in Life

Grey divorce, or ‘silver splitter divorce’ refers to couples over 50, especially those in their mid- 60s and older, deciding to end their marriages.

This trend is becoming more common due to factors like longer life spans, changing attitudes towards divorce, women’s financial independence, and reassessing relationships after children have left home.

One of the significant challenges in grey divorce is navigating finances. Dividing assets such as
retirement savings, property, and pensions can be complex and contentious. It is essential to fairly
split accumulated assets and consider pensions, which are often overlooked but critical to the
settlement. Pensions are often the most valuable asset a couple has alongside the marital home.
Pensions can be complex, particularly if they are already in payment and so seeking sound legal
advice from a specialist family lawyer is crucial to ensure a fair division.

Transitioning from a long-term relationship and adjusting retirement plans and housing arrangements can be daunting. Concerns about adult children and other family dynamics also play a role.

Managing a grey divorce highlights the importance of selecting a specialist financial
family lawyer that is right for you.

If you would like to know more about managing separation in later life please get in touch and speak with one of our specialist family lawyers.

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